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Petr "Zweistein" Prokop

{, }
Program doublebubbleshortsort; { (c) Petr "Zweistein" Prokop Program sort : extr‚mØ rychl  metoda tý¡dØn¡ bez rekurze } Var I : integer; { index v cyklech} N : integer; { PoŸet Ÿ¡sel } A : array [1..255] of integer; {Pole s Ÿ¡sly} B : integer; {Pomocn  promØn  na prohozen¡} E : Boolean; {Pomocn  promØn  pro cyklus} C : integer; {Zkracov n¡ cyklu} Fini: integer; Begin; Write('Pocet_'); {Vstup poŸtu Ÿ¡sel } Readln(N); { --//-- } {For i:=1 to N do begin; Write('Cislo [',i,']_'); Readln(A[i]); end;} For i:=1 to N do a[i]:=trunc(random*10000); {Vlo§en¡ n hondìch Ÿ¡sel} { -------------------- } C:=0; repeat { zaŸ tek repeat cyklu } E:=false; { posledn¡ cyklus } for i:=1+c to N-1-c do { pro vçechny prvky pole A } begin; if a[i]>a[i+1] then { jestli je dals¡ prvek menç¡ pak} begin; b:=a[i]; { zapatuj hodnotu } a[i]:=a[i+1]; { prohod Ÿ¡sla } a[i+1]:=b; { obnov hodnotu } E:=true; { jeçtØ nekonŸ¡me} end; if a[N-i]>a[N-i+1] then { podobn‚ jako u prvn¡ho ifu } begin; b:=a[N-i+1]; a[N-i+1]:=a[N-i]; a[N-i]:=b; E:=true; end; end; c:=c+1; { Zkr time cyklus } until E=false; { To dØlej dokud nebude konec } { ------------------------ } for i:=1 to N do Writeln('[',i,'] Cislo ',a[i]); { Vìpis vìsledku } B:=0; C:=N; i:=trunc((B+C)/2); E:=false; write('Hledat_'); readln(fini); repeat i:=trunc((B+C)/2); if a[i]fini then C:=I; until (a[i]=Fini) or (b=c); if (b<>c) then writeln('Nalezeno ',fini, ' na ',i,' miste.'); readln; end.

(c) Zweistein 2000-2002
od 07-22-2001 byla stránka zobrazena Warning: mysql_connect(): Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/tmp/mysql.sock' (2) in /DISK2/WWW/ on line 2 Warning: mysql_select_db(): Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/tmp/mysql.sock' (2) in /DISK2/WWW/ on line 3 Warning: mysql_select_db(): A link to the server could not be established in /DISK2/WWW/ on line 3 Warning: mysql_query(): Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/tmp/mysql.sock' (2) in /DISK2/WWW/ on line 5 Warning: mysql_query(): A link to the server could not be established in /DISK2/WWW/ on line 5 Warning: mysql_query(): Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/tmp/mysql.sock' (2) in /DISK2/WWW/ on line 6 Warning: mysql_query(): A link to the server could not be established in /DISK2/WWW/ on line 6 Warning: mysql_num_rows() expects parameter 1 to be resource, boolean given in /DISK2/WWW/ on line 7 Warning: mysql_close() expects parameter 1 to be resource, boolean given in /DISK2/WWW/ on line 8
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