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Petr "Zweistein" Prokop

{, }
program pohyb; { (c) Petr "Zweistein" Prokop Program pohyb : pokus o rogue-like engine } uses crt; type screen = array [1..80,1..24] of char; KEY = array [1..3] of boolean; teleporta = array[1..4,1..2] of byte; cila=array [1..2] of byte; var ANsound:Boolean; pole:screen; klic:key; teleporty:teleporta; cil:cila; liv,mov,strel,jumps:byte; tim:word; x,y:byte; x0,y0:byte; zn:char; score:word; procedure curoff; assembler; asm mov ax, 0100h mov bx, 0000h mov ch, 1 mov cl, 0 int 0010h end; procedure play (delka,vyska:integer); begin; If ANsound=true then begin; sound(vyska); delay(delka); nosound; End; end; procedure razn (pocet:integer;znak:char); var x,y:byte; i:word; begin; for i:=1 to pocet do begin; x:=random(24); y:=random(80); x:=round(x)+1; y:=round(y)+1; pole[y,x]:=znak; end; end; procedure cleanpole (var pole:screen); var i,i2:byte; begin; for i:=1 to 80 do for i2:=1 to 24 do pole[i,i2]:=' '; end; procedure cleanklic (var klice:Key); var i:byte; begin; for i:=1 to 3 do klic[i]:=false; end; procedure pispole; var i,i2:byte; begin; for i:=1 to 80 do for i2:=1 to 24 do begin; gotoxy(i,i2); write (pole[i,i2]); end; end; procedure strela ; var sx,sy,sx0,sy0:byte; xplus,yplus:integer; zas:boolean; begin; if not(strel=0) then begin; strel:=strel - 1; xplus:=0; yplus:=0; Case zn of '8' : xplus:=-1; '2' : xplus:=1; '4' : yplus:=-1; '6' : yplus:=1; End; sx:=x; sy:=y; repeat sx:=sx+xplus; sy:=sy+yplus; if pole[sy,sx]='@' then zas:=true; if pole[sy,sx]='#' then begin; play (200,150); play (300,50); play (200,200); play (300,250); zas:=true; gotoxy(sy,sx); write('+'); score:=score+10; delay(2000); gotoxy(sy,sx); write(' '); pole[sy,sx]:=' '; end; gotoxy(sy,sx); play (50,70); write('ž'); delay(50); gotoxy(sy,sx); write(' '); if (sy>81) or (0>sy) or (0>sx) or (sx>25) then zas:=true; until zas=true; clrscr; pispole; play (300,400); play (300,50); zas:=false; end; end; procedure stavrad; var i:Byte; begin; gotoxy(1,25); for I:=1 to 79 do write(' '); gotoxy(1,25); write ('¦ivot:',liv,' X:',x,' Y:',y,' Stýel:',strel,' Move:',mov,' Time:',tim,' Jump:',jumps,' Score:',score,' Key:'); if klic[1]=true then write('{'); if klic[2]=true then write('('); if klic[3]=true then write('['); if (klic[1]=false)And(klic[2]=false)And(klic[3]=false) Then write('No'); end; Procedure jump; begin; if jumps=0 then else begin; play(500,100); play(250,200); play(125,400); x0:=x; y0:=y; case zn of chr(71): Begin;if x-2>0 then; x:=x-2;End; chr(79): Begin;if 81>x+2 then; x:=x+2;End; chr(83): Begin;if y-2>0 then; y:=y-2;End; chr(81): Begin;if 25>y+2 then; y:=y+2;End; end; jumps:=jumps-1; mov:=mov-1; score:=score+5; End; end; procedure teldef(x1,y1,x2,y2,a:byte;znak:char); begin; teleporty[1,a] := x1; teleporty[2,a] := y1; teleporty[3,a] := x2; teleporty[4,a] := y2; pole[x1,y1] := znak; pole[x2,y2] := znak; end; procedure teleport; var noopak:boolean; begin; case pole[x,y] of '+':begin; noopak:=false; if (x=teleporty[3,1])and(y=teleporty[4,1])then begin; play(100,440); play(100,220); x:=teleporty[1,1]; y:=teleporty[2,1]; noopak:=true; end; if (x=teleporty[1,1])and(y=teleporty[2,1])and(noopak=false)then begin; play(100,220); play(100,440); x:=teleporty[3,1]; y:=teleporty[4,1]; noopak:=true end; end; '*':begin; noopak:=false; if (y=teleporty[3,2])and(x=teleporty[4,2])then begin; play(100,440); play(100,220); x:=teleporty[1,2]; y:=teleporty[2,2]; score:=score+200; noopak:=true end; if (y=teleporty[1,2])and(x=teleporty[2,2])and(noopak=false)then begin; play(100,220); play(100,440); x:=teleporty[3,2]; y:=teleporty[4,2]; score:=score+200; noopak:=true end; end; end; end; procedure open(klicno:byte); begin; If klic[klicno]=true then begin; pole[y,x]:=' '; Klic[klicno]:=false; score:=score+50; End else begin; liv:=liv-1; y:=y0; x:=x0; End; end; begin; score:=100; ANSound:=true; clrscr; tim:=0; liv:=10; mov:=120; strel:=20; jumps:=10; cleanklic(klic); randomize; cleanpole (pole); razn (100,'#'); razn (10,'L'); razn (10,'l'); razn (10,'s'); razn (10,'k'); razn (10,'~'); razn (10,'@'); razn (10,'S'); razn (10,'K'); razn (10,'J'); razn (10,'j'); razn (10,'$'); razn (1,'}'); razn (1,'{'); razn (1,')'); razn (1,'('); razn (1,']'); razn (1,'['); cil[1]:=2; cil[2]:=2; pole[cil[1], cil[2]]:='>'; teldef(3,3,12,12,1,'+'); teldef(4,4,11,11,2,'*'); curoff; pispole; x0:=1; y0:=1; x:=1; y:=1; stavrad; repeat play (50,100); gotoxy(y,x); write('á'); write; x0:=x; y0:=y; zn:=' '; repeat zn:=readkey; until not(zn=' '); case zn of chr(72): begin;if mov>0 then begin;x:=x-1;mov:=mov-1;end;end; chr(80): begin;if mov>0 then begin;x:=x+1;mov:=mov-1;end;end; chr(75): begin;if mov>0 then begin;y:=y-1;mov:=mov-1;end;end; chr(77): begin;if mov>0 then begin;y:=y+1;mov:=mov-1;end;end; '2','4','6','8': strela ; 't','T':teleport; chr(81),chr(83),chr(71),chr(79): jump ; end; if y>80 then y:=80; if y=0 then y:=1; if x>24 then x:=24; if x=0 then x:=1; if not (pole[y,x]=' ') then begin; case pole[y,x] of '#':Begin;liv:=liv-1;y:=y0;x:=x0;End; '~':liv:=liv-1; '@':Begin;liv:=liv-1;y:=y0;x:=x0;End; 'L':Begin;liv:=liv+4;pole[y,x]:=' ';End; 'K':Begin;Mov:=Mov+10;pole[y,x]:=' ';End; 'S':Begin;Strel:=Strel+10;pole[y,x]:=' ';End; 'l':Begin;liv:=liv+2;pole[y,x]:=' ';End; 'k':Begin;mov:=mov+5;pole[y,x]:=' ';End; 's':Begin;Strel:=Strel+5;pole[y,x]:=' ';End; 'J':Begin;Jumps:=Jumps+6;pole[y,x]:=' ';End; 'j':Begin;Jumps:=jumps+2;pole[y,x]:=' ';End; '$':Begin;score:=score+50;pole[y,x]:=' ';End; '{':Begin;klic[1]:=true;pole[y,x]:=' ';score:=score+20;End; '(':Begin;klic[2]:=true;pole[y,x]:=' ';score:=score+30;End; '[':Begin;klic[3]:=true;pole[y,x]:=' ';score:=score+40;End; '}':open(1); ')':open(2); ']':open(3); end; end; pispole; tim:=tim+1; stavrad; until (liv=0)or((mov=0)and(jumps=0))or((cil[1]=x)and(cil[2]=y)); end.

(c) Zweistein 2000-2002
od 07-22-2001 byla stránka zobrazena Warning: mysql_connect(): Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/tmp/mysql.sock' (2) in /DISK2/WWW/ on line 2 Warning: mysql_select_db(): Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/tmp/mysql.sock' (2) in /DISK2/WWW/ on line 3 Warning: mysql_select_db(): A link to the server could not be established in /DISK2/WWW/ on line 3 Warning: mysql_query(): Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/tmp/mysql.sock' (2) in /DISK2/WWW/ on line 5 Warning: mysql_query(): A link to the server could not be established in /DISK2/WWW/ on line 5 Warning: mysql_query(): Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/tmp/mysql.sock' (2) in /DISK2/WWW/ on line 6 Warning: mysql_query(): A link to the server could not be established in /DISK2/WWW/ on line 6 Warning: mysql_num_rows() expects parameter 1 to be resource, boolean given in /DISK2/WWW/ on line 7 Warning: mysql_close() expects parameter 1 to be resource, boolean given in /DISK2/WWW/ on line 8
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