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Petr "Zweistein" Prokop

{, }
{ (c) Petr "Zweistein" Prokop Program DateTime : Vypisuje zběvajˇcˇ źas do p…lnoci } Uses Crt,Dos; procedure curoff; assembler; asm mov ax, 0100h mov bx, 0000h mov ch, 7 mov cl, 0 int 0010h end; procedure curon; assembler; asm mov ax, 0100h mov bx, 0000h mov ch, 0 mov cl, 1 int 0010h end; var Y,Mo,D,x,H,M,S,SS:word; xx:longint; Begin; ClrScr; curoff; Repeat GotoXY (1,1); for xx:=1 to 80 do write ('-'); GetTime(h,m,s,ss); GetDate(y,mo,d,x); Writeln (y,' ',mo,' ',d,' ',h,':',m,':',s,'.',ss,' '); h:=23-h; m:=59-m; s:=59-s; ss:=100-ss; d:=0; writeln ('0 0 ',d,' ',h,':',m,':',s,'.',ss,' '); xx:=d*24*60*60*100+h*60*60*100+m*60*100+s*100+ss; writeln ('ms:',xx,' '); writeln (' s:',d*24*60*60+h*60*60+m*60+s,' '); writeln (' m:',d*24*60+h*60+m,' '); writeln (' h:',d*24+h,' '); writeln ('2000 1 1 0:00:00:01'); write ('ms :'); for xx:=1 to trunc(3*ss/5) do write ('-'); writeln('> '); GotoXY (65,9); writeln('|'); write (' s :'); for xx:=1 to s do write ('+'); writeln('> '); GotoXY (65,10); writeln('|'); write (' m :'); for xx:=1 to m do write ('*'); writeln('> '); GotoXY (65,11); writeln('|'); write (' h :'); for xx:=1 to h do write ('#'); writeln('> '); GotoXY (29,12); writeln('|'); for xx:=1 to 80 do write ('-'); Until Keypressed; curon; End.

(c) Zweistein 2000-2002
od 07-22-2001 byla stránka zobrazena Warning: mysql_connect(): Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/tmp/mysql.sock' (2) in /DISK2/WWW/ on line 2 Warning: mysql_select_db(): Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/tmp/mysql.sock' (2) in /DISK2/WWW/ on line 3 Warning: mysql_select_db(): A link to the server could not be established in /DISK2/WWW/ on line 3 Warning: mysql_query(): Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/tmp/mysql.sock' (2) in /DISK2/WWW/ on line 5 Warning: mysql_query(): A link to the server could not be established in /DISK2/WWW/ on line 5 Warning: mysql_query(): Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/tmp/mysql.sock' (2) in /DISK2/WWW/ on line 6 Warning: mysql_query(): A link to the server could not be established in /DISK2/WWW/ on line 6 Warning: mysql_num_rows() expects parameter 1 to be resource, boolean given in /DISK2/WWW/ on line 7 Warning: mysql_close() expects parameter 1 to be resource, boolean given in /DISK2/WWW/ on line 8
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